it appears that by popular demand, i am updating my journal here at the lovely SG.com.
"so ryan, whatcha been up to over the last month?"
not a goddamned thing.
well.......not so true. it just seems like it.
i started working again? yup, definitely did. it sucks, but it's money in the bank...err...well, until it goes to my bills, at which point it becomes money in other people's banks. but ya, gotta work!
(side note - incase you're wondering, ya..i have a sweet gig making pizza, for fat, sloppy regular tourists, and adorable, little asian ones)
hmm..what else? been hangin out with wonderful people, all the while losing touch with other wonderful people. but, such is life, no?
ive been on a few adventures...
ive gotten muddy.
ive been in a few arguments...
ive gotten angry.
and well, i dunno. i guess that's all i have to say.
tomorrow i plan on buying the Friday the 13th boxset, because lately ive been in the mood for mindless slaughter. i may also pick up the special edition of Die Hard, because bruce willis is not only THE man, but also my hero. gotta love payday! gotta love payday every thursday!
haha who knows when my next update will be...but ill try and update more often. i see the lovin you guys give me
<3's n shit
it appears that by popular demand, i am updating my journal here at the lovely SG.com.
"so ryan, whatcha been up to over the last month?"
not a goddamned thing.
well.......not so true. it just seems like it.
i started working again? yup, definitely did. it sucks, but it's money in the bank...err...well, until it goes to my bills, at which point it becomes money in other people's banks. but ya, gotta work!
(side note - incase you're wondering, ya..i have a sweet gig making pizza, for fat, sloppy regular tourists, and adorable, little asian ones)
hmm..what else? been hangin out with wonderful people, all the while losing touch with other wonderful people. but, such is life, no?
ive been on a few adventures...
ive gotten muddy.
ive been in a few arguments...
ive gotten angry.
and well, i dunno. i guess that's all i have to say.
tomorrow i plan on buying the Friday the 13th boxset, because lately ive been in the mood for mindless slaughter. i may also pick up the special edition of Die Hard, because bruce willis is not only THE man, but also my hero. gotta love payday! gotta love payday every thursday!
haha who knows when my next update will be...but ill try and update more often. i see the lovin you guys give me
<3's n shit
so am i!
well st catharines to be exact