Another day, and drunk again!
So, what's been new? Work sucks and I really need to get fucked (other then what work has been doin to me). Right now I just don't give a shit, been to drunk, been to tired, and been to.............. well ya all get the idea. I just need to meet someone that blows my mind away and I'm not to sure if that is ever going to happen. Going to pass out now and go to bed, hope everyone is doin good!
So, what's been new? Work sucks and I really need to get fucked (other then what work has been doin to me). Right now I just don't give a shit, been to drunk, been to tired, and been to.............. well ya all get the idea. I just need to meet someone that blows my mind away and I'm not to sure if that is ever going to happen. Going to pass out now and go to bed, hope everyone is doin good!