The new job, it basically is the best job ever, other then the 200km/day commute. My lil YJ is getting TONS of Km on her, crappy thing is the tiny gas tank, have to fill it up every day and a half basically. luckily with the gas prices as high as they are, no one is really budging on price so its even, in or out of town. Gas is currently 1.149
the job basically is to setup the equipment, then follow the boss around, we do that for a few hours then take off to a different site or go back home and play with the data
I have also decided I am lonely, I need to meet a super cool chick this summer who likes to hang out, offroad get dirty workin on my bitch (the jeep) and has great sex.

the job basically is to setup the equipment, then follow the boss around, we do that for a few hours then take off to a different site or go back home and play with the data

I have also decided I am lonely, I need to meet a super cool chick this summer who likes to hang out, offroad get dirty workin on my bitch (the jeep) and has great sex.

Haha good luck with findin' that chick. I looked for 30 years and never found one (that'd like me back). Hm, I guess that's the only bugga thing about angie. She doesn't like motocross or gettin' dirty in the desert. You'd be suprised how little that matters though. I was.