some know this warcry, and they shudder at its very sound. Others, are oblivious to the very soon destruction and chaos that will ensue.
Thus is the warcry of the Heritics and heathens that are the Space orks. For us there are only 1 thing standing between them and our very destruction. We are nothing to the imperium so we stand on our own, no space marines no dropships of help. The Imperious Legions of the Imperial Guard stand tall to protect us.
and here is one, nearly finished being painted
Up next I have to do his camo!
some know this warcry, and they shudder at its very sound. Others, are oblivious to the very soon destruction and chaos that will ensue.
Thus is the warcry of the Heritics and heathens that are the Space orks. For us there are only 1 thing standing between them and our very destruction. We are nothing to the imperium so we stand on our own, no space marines no dropships of help. The Imperious Legions of the Imperial Guard stand tall to protect us.
and here is one, nearly finished being painted

have fun...
I'm more of a fantasy then a 40k fan myself. ive been painting my 40 k army though to try to get into it more.
kais warhammer love > your warhammer love
Kais dinosaur love > your dinosaur love.
are there any more marks we can add to the tally?