Honestly I don't get why people have to bash the guy signing your paycheck. He isn't on the job site. Your getting paid so shut the fuck up and work.
He is an amazing rapper with a unique sound. I can't wait to see him live one day! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NkP6t4H6RIs&feature=share
I absolutely love death metal! Everything from the guttural vocals to the amazing musicianship involved.
Slam metal in a whole other animal. It is the rawest, meanest, nastiest sounds to come out of the music industry.
I understand why most people wouldn't like this music, but I wish more people would at least give death metal a chance.
Anyway just a random thought. People give...
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I won't lie I feel awkward being on here. I love what i see and most of all what I read the blogs are amazing. I'm just such an introvert that I don't feel comfortable commenting or posting anywhere on here. Yes I realize I'm the reason I don't feel welcome.
I hate the fact that depression has controlled my entire life. I constantly have to act like I'm alright. I hate that feeling of being able to know how to pretend to being alright.
Lets talk about my shit tattoo! Ignore the bad first pic I only have two pics of my tat. Anyways...
Not a great looking tattoo it says "WE ARE THE DISEASE". I got it when I was 18 on a guys kitchen counter. I finally have the money to cover it up and I finally have the money to cover it up. I'm leaning towards
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