Slumber party weekend with good friends, movies and cocktails! I recently moved to Vashon Island, land of hippies and rich elitists. Loving the 100 year old giant, gorgeous walnut tree that canopies over my new place, the baby frog that hopped in my door when I was gathering firewood, the ONE stop light in town, free roaming dogs, old, caving in barns and neighbors who welcome us with fresh eggs from their chickens. Pretty cool. Thinking ahead to summer when I will hang swings and hammocks, plant gardens, find some chickens of my own, acquire a HOT TUB, build a slide, find a swimming pool and a fire barrel....and then have a big party with excellent DJ who plays music that demands we submit to it's soul. Yeah 
Some recent pics of me and mine in case you've been wondering...]

Some recent pics of me and mine in case you've been wondering...]

Hey everybody!

Looking good in that nest to last pic.