and suddenly the sun was up and the whole day was before me
and so
and put up a tent in my front yard and filled it with furry blue and purple pillows
played street frisbee with my good friend buffa
contemplated life
appreciated the upside down baby green view of summer in the trees
spyed on a really cool bird making really cool, realy loud songs...
lamented for just one second the fact that our neighbors politely avoid our lovin outstretched music beltin arms
wrote "gizzards unite!!" in pink crumbly chalk on the sidewalk in front of our house...
inspected and pondered my impressively bruised legs. hmmm.
thought about green bracelet artifacts embracing ancient bones
went on a road trip to visit our good buddy lee and met a lizard that KNOWS. He had a cool tongue and spines and was really huge.
watched some cartoony dogs floppin around on their backs like a furry erasers laughin their fleas off.
listened to Zilla and the Scorpians and the sound of our voices as we pondered life and love.
reflected on some fun....
lived it loved it.
and so
and put up a tent in my front yard and filled it with furry blue and purple pillows
played street frisbee with my good friend buffa
contemplated life
appreciated the upside down baby green view of summer in the trees
spyed on a really cool bird making really cool, realy loud songs...
lamented for just one second the fact that our neighbors politely avoid our lovin outstretched music beltin arms

wrote "gizzards unite!!" in pink crumbly chalk on the sidewalk in front of our house...
inspected and pondered my impressively bruised legs. hmmm.
thought about green bracelet artifacts embracing ancient bones
went on a road trip to visit our good buddy lee and met a lizard that KNOWS. He had a cool tongue and spines and was really huge.
watched some cartoony dogs floppin around on their backs like a furry erasers laughin their fleas off.
listened to Zilla and the Scorpians and the sound of our voices as we pondered life and love.
reflected on some fun....
lived it loved it.
the attticman