
Shoved into their stereotype
to do the "right" thing
nothing dangerous, nor unpredictable
just follow father’s path,
listen to mother’s words
hearing what’s good for me—
to be the same, molded
to be good, to be better than you
to be right, and all of you wrong
in their eyes, not mine.

your poetry gives me chills...hauntingly beautiful

Some of the things I write are sad, isolated, and sometimes dark. But that's because we live in a world that makes those things real. In reality that's the world we live in, but we make the most of it in some fashion. This makes YOU, ME - real .

Just be real - all of you. It's not that bad. Really.



Ever so slowly - the leaving.
Tiny spaces appearing between us
creating the void only you could fill.
And as the sun turns to the moon
a transfer of why day turns to night,
hiding the real reasons why you felt so heavy.

The feel of drowning isn’t exclusive to the darkest water
but is shared with emptiness,
including this room we once called
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A clip of a new song / video I'm working on -

even this few seconds are amazing

More Than Skin

Little wisps of jagged wind

brush against you,

I can see every word from your breath.

So we wrap ourselves with comfort

a tight hold on this world

and brave the cold.

Snowflakes swirl, white -

So it goes between us,

so many frozen secrets, swirling

hidden beneath your skin.

“Let it out” you said

an impossible thing to do

today, tomorrow,
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When I lay on your bed

it is like the sea

rolling, rolling, rolling

the starry sky looks bigger

its blackness deeper

illuminated only by a 60 watt bulb

it feels safe and warm

floating like this -

until the moment you asked me to leave.

I dont understand every Word because i m french and speak a bas english but i understand the globality.. thank you for this words

Snow Angel

the first snowfall

we made snow angels

the yard white, wet

and a texture of nimbus clouds.

standing up

our shadow casts our ghosts across

and we waited

until the December sun melted them away.