just got done filling out my FAFSA. hope all goes well, but i don't think it will. the preliminary fafsa end page said that my expected contribution would be over $22,000. yeah, not so much. i dunno. actually i have an annuity that i am planning to use for my tuition this year anyway.
i sent for my transcripts yesterday, and now i wait.
at least i am finally doing this. i have kicked the idea around for so long, its nice to be doing it. well starting to. this is a university tied in to the one that didn't let me in nine years ago. even though i know that was because they were only taking freshman applicants to the program at that time it still makes me nervous. actually this whole thing makes me nervous. if i didn't get in now, i would take it badly.
i sent for my transcripts yesterday, and now i wait.
at least i am finally doing this. i have kicked the idea around for so long, its nice to be doing it. well starting to. this is a university tied in to the one that didn't let me in nine years ago. even though i know that was because they were only taking freshman applicants to the program at that time it still makes me nervous. actually this whole thing makes me nervous. if i didn't get in now, i would take it badly.

I know the timing will be odd, which is why I told you call me from Grand Rapids. That will give me time to wake up, get home from wherever I am, wipe the coke off the countertops, or whatever. Grand Rapids is 45-60 minutes from my front porch.