just got back from a nice, stoned, two mile (round trip), mp3 player wearing, morning walk. our stretch of good weather continues, 44 degrees now, gonna be 51 later
while walking it occurred to me that just having been laid off, i am in the rare position of having too much time on my hands. time to join a gym. i signed up for a workout geared toward hikers at http://www.backpacker.com/l cause hiking season will be here before you know it. i will probably be working a lot then so i will only have weekends to go places and hike, and i don't need my lack of fitness slowing me down on those short trips.
this will also help with OPERATION NO SHIRT ON AT THE BEACH ON THE FORTH OF JULY. i will have to join the gym on tues.

while walking it occurred to me that just having been laid off, i am in the rare position of having too much time on my hands. time to join a gym. i signed up for a workout geared toward hikers at http://www.backpacker.com/l cause hiking season will be here before you know it. i will probably be working a lot then so i will only have weekends to go places and hike, and i don't need my lack of fitness slowing me down on those short trips.
this will also help with OPERATION NO SHIRT ON AT THE BEACH ON THE FORTH OF JULY. i will have to join the gym on tues.
Check Google today. They have a really nice graphic for the Chinese New Year. 

I think frequent trips to the city will help.