i have been (am?) sitting here, having a few (a few?) beers.
and suddenly i am reminded of what day it is. and if that isn't enough, tomorrow is vd-day
it shouldn't effect me, it certainly shouldn't bother me. but it does. goddamn suicide girls changing the background.
i need sleep. i need the future i want to be now. i need a glass of water. i need a late thirties ford pickup. i need to get out of this town. i need to get a life started far from here. i need that mystery woman that i imagine is "out there" to be here, for real i need a homebase to base myself out of that isn't, well, basically this home. i need to stop being so fucking whiney. for real. and just do.

"The worst thing about the big V-day is that when I am with someone I could care less about it. It is a stupid Hallmarkian holiday, but somehow when you are single it is somehow impossible to ignore the fact no one is giving you a valentine you don't even want. Does that even make sense. Fuck it, it does to me! "