Idea of the day: Start an all girl Misfits cover band called "the Miss-fits." Hehe.
Today was my little brother's graduation party. Very dull, causing me to come up with my next silk-creen project: a shirt that says "I'd rather be knitting". I am just full of great ideas today.
This weekend was fun. Friday night I went to a show at my friends dad's gallery, he was in the band that played. It was fucking great- some rockabilly stuff. I also met a cute art student girl wearing a vagina monologues shirt- very my type.
However, I resisted hitting on her because I'm still not sure about this whole figuring out if someone's gay thing. Please give me tips/ stories! Now that I'm on the lookout, its become impossible to tell who's gay! Very lame.
I met another girl on Saturday night who definitely was bi- and BEAUTIFUL but I was really fucking drunk and my friends made me leave before I could get a chance to talk to her. cockblocked at every turn.
As a famous person once said, "Who's a girl gotta blow around here to get some pussy?"
song of the day- The White Stripes- Hotel Yorba
Today was my little brother's graduation party. Very dull, causing me to come up with my next silk-creen project: a shirt that says "I'd rather be knitting". I am just full of great ideas today.
This weekend was fun. Friday night I went to a show at my friends dad's gallery, he was in the band that played. It was fucking great- some rockabilly stuff. I also met a cute art student girl wearing a vagina monologues shirt- very my type.

I met another girl on Saturday night who definitely was bi- and BEAUTIFUL but I was really fucking drunk and my friends made me leave before I could get a chance to talk to her. cockblocked at every turn.

As a famous person once said, "Who's a girl gotta blow around here to get some pussy?"

song of the day- The White Stripes- Hotel Yorba
thanks for reminding me of em *shakes fist angrily
but bright eyes is sat. and that makes
everything better