I hate this cold weather, nothing worse then cold weather and no snow, at least with snow I can go riding.
I am almost at the point of quiting my job which will either turn out to be a really great thing or a fucking big mistake.
-great if I find a job back in Mtl.
-mistake if I then have to take another job in T.O and they don't have offices in Mtl so I can transfer ( I work for the bank now and can transfer as of April)
Maybe I should just move out west and be a snowboard bum. or move down south to a country that speaks spanish and lets me surf all day long.
I hate November it always puts me in a mood that makes me go and do something stupid and I can feel a big one coming on this year.

I am almost at the point of quiting my job which will either turn out to be a really great thing or a fucking big mistake.
-great if I find a job back in Mtl.
-mistake if I then have to take another job in T.O and they don't have offices in Mtl so I can transfer ( I work for the bank now and can transfer as of April)
Maybe I should just move out west and be a snowboard bum. or move down south to a country that speaks spanish and lets me surf all day long.
I hate November it always puts me in a mood that makes me go and do something stupid and I can feel a big one coming on this year.