I'm curious. I've posted on this before and I return to it again today. The criteria by which some women, undeniably beautiful but lacking that SG edge, are propelled to Set of the Day level without a single tattoo or unusual piercing. Again, perhaps I'm not comprehending the protocol here for becoming a SOTD SG, but today's SOTD SG sure doesn't have that SG vibe....
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I love SG. I love the way it pushes back on the homogenized nature of female beauty and strength. But once in awhile, an SG appears that seems so very, very conventional and I wonder how she passed muster. No tattoos, no piercings, nothing odd or awkward or edgy, just another pretty woman who meets the expectations of conventional beauty. Why, I wonder, is she...
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What I love most about SG is seeing ink on women I'd never ever be able to see in real life. So much beauty, so much creativity. I love you all, SGs. Thank you all for sharing your beauty with us.