one of my most favoritest songs. go figure, right? a guy who worships chaos loves a song called "Go With the Flow." fuck you. so what if i've known since the beginning that my relationship was doomed to failure? i still stuck with it for six years, going with the flow. you think this is easy? do you think that i can devote a quarter of my life to something without being aware of how much time i've wasted? fuck you if you think it's easy being married for six years. fuck you if you think it's easy being married when you're 24. and fuck you if you think it's easy getting divorced when you have no idea what you want to do in life. i am so fucking lost and confused right now, i hav no idea what is going on

We're doing pretty well. One of our problems was that he wanted a baby while I was kind of pushing the thought away. But now that we're pregnant and excited, things are much better!