This fucking sucks. Today i got moved to a different troop. I know two people there. I'm leaving everyone i know. Again. I'm tired of moving around. I wish they would at least move me to a different squadron if they're going to move me at all. A completely fresh start, not just transplanting me to another group of people i've seen around but never talked to. i hate this. i was in charlie troop before, but that was four years ago. everyone i was there with has left now. i walked in today to inprocess and there were three pictures hanging on the wall, pictures of people i knew the first time i was in charlie, people who died last tour. i can't walk in and see that every day. i've been around way too many people who've died

ohhhh no that must suck well hang in there and thank you for that message ur verry kind ....

that sucks, but eh its the army. im new to this branch of the military. my husband is just finishing up osut at ft knox as cav scout. then after a few weeks leave, he's being sent straight to korea for a year.