Beware of what's coming, a new revolution. No, not like 1776 in America, more like 1790 in Paris or 1929 in Russia when the Whites and Reds killed millions. This will be about a system that rewards bankers, brokers and congressmen and punishes ordinary people who work their whole lives to make those lives better despite laws that don't benefit them. I'm no alarmist, but there is a storm coming. It will be fearsome and something to see. BTW, I'm an optimist.
More Blogs
Friday Oct 07, 2011
Columbus Day weekend on Cape Cod is the Last Hurrah for summer. This … -
Monday Oct 03, 2011
Tangerine and Felina are such Beauties! How nice is it that they chos… -
Sunday Oct 02, 2011
Thursday Sep 29, 2011
Except for Tangerine, the latest crop provokes this: (YAWN). -
Sunday Sep 18, 2011
I know I'm the only one here who remembers Tom Rush's song "The Urge … -
Tuesday Sep 13, 2011
Summer is drawing to a close -
Thursday Sep 01, 2011
Irene was no lady, lots of bluster and energy; power outage was 48 ho… -
Friday Aug 26, 2011
Waiting for the arrival of supposed "catastrophic" hurricane Irene. S… -
Wednesday Aug 17, 2011
Forgive me my recent post about a blue-sky road trip to the Blue Ridg… -
Tuesday Aug 16, 2011
I'm thinking about a road trip from Cape Cod to the Blue Ridge area t…