For those that do not know, my work schedule is 2:1 (2 weeks on duty and 1 week off). So for 2 weeks straight I will work every single day. This rotation of work consisted of 15.5hr shifts, so for two weeks straight with no rest I worked 15.5hr a day.
Ah but today was the last day and tomorrow starts my week off! So here is the best part! To end this work rotation, we rigged down (disassembled our equipment and prepared it for transportation) it rained the entire day, and I got stranded at the end of shift at the staging area which is where we park spare equipment.
Sounds like only a few things eh? Rigging down requires manual labor and singing a sledgehammer. Want a workout, carry 55-130 pound iron for 15 hours lol. My arms are screaming right now but my legs cam barely hold me up. Shift starts at 4am, so imagine your body taking a beating before most people even think about getting out of bed.
But the good news is, I have 1 week to recover. Then it is back for another rotation!