Is a monstrous thing, it consumes you and turns you into a beast. When I was adopted my mother had no idea how to help me. I didn't look like her ( me being 50 shades of tan and her being the picture of a southern white woman) so that in part made her nervous. It was my grandfather, her father, that finally made progress. He taught me to have faith and believe in the good that dwells in our souls. Mom showed me that it's ok to smile and live a happy life.
Not many people know about the rage I had to learn to control. My outbursts that only American football and weight lifting seemed appropriate for. I found peace with a family I wasn't born into. I found friends and my personality while in college. I find motivation in my career and a passion to be a man everyone around me is proud to know.
I share this with you so that you understand the growth I have went through. So that y'all will understand why I smile, as well as go that step to encourage any of you. There are so many passionate and inspiring people on this site, guys and girls. It is a pleasure to be among you, and I hope that we all continue to grow.