DeD's update:
Been playing music like a madman! We've got a new bass player for our band that fits in perfectly into our style. We've been looking for one for about 6 months, and it looks like the stars finally aligned to provide what we needed.
Other than that, partying, playing Magic, reading, going to my new psych, and getting back in good shape. I'm...
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Well well well. Back to the blog to prove to the Powers that Be that I try to keep an active blog on SG. tongue
Anyhoo, had a crazy couple weeks from Christmas to post-new year parties and activities.
I'm getting sucked into Magic: The Gathering by my friends. I always used to think how nerdy it seemed, but they got me hooked on the strategy...
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Tried Salvia for the first time last night smile
I felt like Treebeard when I stood up. I felt like I was 20ft tall! It was fun and crazy. My buddy couldn't stop laughing for about 10 minutes, and my other friend didn't take enough, so he was the asshole of the group wink
Expensive as hell, tho
Also had practice for the open mic in january....
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i am good just been really lazy today tongue
Drove to the SR yesterday and had a taste of the " city" compared to what I'm used to in Flake County, which is pretty rural.
Went to the Peace Pipe and picked up some supplies and essentials. What tripped me out tho was that they had these "herbal smokes" for sale. Various herbs and such that are claimed to be good for your lungs/body....
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Thank Gods for the fall & winter season.
My favorite time of year, when I can warm up when I'm cold easily. Can't stand the summers around Lake county where you can't get cool unless you're in your birthday suit.
Another point awarded to my favorite seasons because of the schweet deals you can get after Turkey day. Just bought a brand new bass drum...
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A pre-merry Xxxmas to you all. wink
Life's a trip, to say the least: My fiance broke up with me, and I hadn't the slightest care. It was a bit messed up the way she just dropped off my stuff and didn't say goodbye. So it's been real easy to just drop the emotions easily cause of her harshness.
In other news! - Paul feels good...
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Getting your car towed in this city has to happen to everyone at least once! Thats how we say welcome to San Francisco!
Damn things have been going my way! Ever since I had a triple luck spell cast and bought a voodoo gris-gris bangle from the CAA (cali astrological assoc) things have seriously been looking up, and I'm one of hugest skeptics of these type of things usually...So it's been weird, fun, good, and strange all at the same time!

In other news, Paul is looking for...
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ohh yeah and whats that..smiles
maybe i can help you out
Introducing myself. I'm Paul, use monikers (who doesn't these days?).

Music - www.myspace.com/zerology

Rants & Music - www.youtube.com/PandownjointRitual

Other Musicians - www.bandmix.com/pablo-diablo/


Welcome to the site! Thanks for the comment on my Purple set! kiss

hey mr. mann
whats going on / thanks for the add