Tonight was only the 2nd time I've seen Rocky Horror Picture Show since my senior prom. Amy, Brian, Sumita and I stayed at the John Marshall High, class of 1996 senior prom only long enough to witness our classmates line dancing to "Revolution" by the Beatles. Somewhere in heaven John Lennon wept and we decided to get into my 91 ford tempo and drive to the Central Park Fox theatre for the normal Saturday night showing of Rocky Horror. We were still in our formals. I was 17.
Tonight my friends Jafo, Raine and I went to the Anderson Ln location of the Alamo Drafthouse for Rocky Horror. I forgot how very "17" the crowds are. I was one of the late 20-somethings that I used to see at showings in San Antonio. One of the adults we were so sure was a narc or a pedophile. Or worse, someone's parent.
Two years of two showings a week from my youth served me well. I still remembered all the audience participation parts we used to use. Except some had lost relevance. I couldn't fathom that the crowd just 10 years my junior wouldn't be able to pick up on a Fat Albert reference. Or how now, there were pop culture mentions to South Park. Our shout out to New Kids On the Block became a put down about N'Sync. At one point in the night after shouting out one of our cast's old lines, I turned to Raine and said "1995 called and I think they want their jokes back"
You know you're getting old when you are no longer young enough for Rocky Horror. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go listen to Nirvana's "Nevermind" on cassette.
Tonight my friends Jafo, Raine and I went to the Anderson Ln location of the Alamo Drafthouse for Rocky Horror. I forgot how very "17" the crowds are. I was one of the late 20-somethings that I used to see at showings in San Antonio. One of the adults we were so sure was a narc or a pedophile. Or worse, someone's parent.
Two years of two showings a week from my youth served me well. I still remembered all the audience participation parts we used to use. Except some had lost relevance. I couldn't fathom that the crowd just 10 years my junior wouldn't be able to pick up on a Fat Albert reference. Or how now, there were pop culture mentions to South Park. Our shout out to New Kids On the Block became a put down about N'Sync. At one point in the night after shouting out one of our cast's old lines, I turned to Raine and said "1995 called and I think they want their jokes back"
You know you're getting old when you are no longer young enough for Rocky Horror. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go listen to Nirvana's "Nevermind" on cassette.
well.. you pick your nose and eat it... and like it.. OOOOOHH BURN!!