Still need help with that whole voting thing. Agents who get votes through their personal url get .25 / vote up to $25 per week.
so. yeah. help a sista out. That $25 will help keep me off the streets and away from your high end electronics
Who's the best phone ho in the world? ME!
so...other than that? not too much going on. Had my meeting. Things went well but the decision on if I'm going to get to do the advice column wont be made for a while.
I have set up a pretty strict budget for myself as I'm going to try and pay off about 3k of my debt by december.
Work is going well. I really do like my job. There is a lot of freedom that comes with my job. My schedule is my own to make. There is a direct connection between how hard I work and how much I get paid, which is something I was never able to say during my work history. I'd get paid an hourly wage, which was the same hourly wage for the stoner who'd sneak out for 2 hour lunches to get high and play hacky sack. They money is decent for what I do.
But there are times when logging onto the phone is the last thing I want to do. After the first call of the day comes in, that bit of anxiety and dread generally subsides. My callers are, for the most part, pretty nice. They enjoy a bit of conversation - where they are from, what they do for a living, how their favourite sports team is doing - before we get to anything sexual. But sometimes...sometimes you get that caller that makes you want to do nothing more than log out of the phone and watch reruns of Golden Girls for the rest of the afternoon.
I have this caller who has decided to make me his regular. We'll call him Bob. Bob lives in middle America. 50-something. Divorced. What he calls for? Is to talk about way's he'd like to get back at his ex-wife by sexually humiliating her.
I have taken my share of domme calls. I enjoy them. It allows me to act out in a way my normally strong but sweet, sensitive nature needs. Humiliation calls are par for the course. Different people need different things to get their ya-yas off and I am never one to judge as long as no one is hurt.
But the way that Bob talked about his ex-wife just hit me in the wrong way. It was not so much about sexual gratification as it was about revenge. I managed to stay in character the whole time. Joined in with the agreement about what a horrible "bitch slut" his ex-wife is. Joined in through gritted teeth and my head hung low.
The first call lasted 22 minutes. The 2nd, a few days later lasted 19. Good paying calls, but sometimes that money just isn't enough.
so. yeah. help a sista out. That $25 will help keep me off the streets and away from your high end electronics
Who's the best phone ho in the world? ME!
so...other than that? not too much going on. Had my meeting. Things went well but the decision on if I'm going to get to do the advice column wont be made for a while.
I have set up a pretty strict budget for myself as I'm going to try and pay off about 3k of my debt by december.
Work is going well. I really do like my job. There is a lot of freedom that comes with my job. My schedule is my own to make. There is a direct connection between how hard I work and how much I get paid, which is something I was never able to say during my work history. I'd get paid an hourly wage, which was the same hourly wage for the stoner who'd sneak out for 2 hour lunches to get high and play hacky sack. They money is decent for what I do.
But there are times when logging onto the phone is the last thing I want to do. After the first call of the day comes in, that bit of anxiety and dread generally subsides. My callers are, for the most part, pretty nice. They enjoy a bit of conversation - where they are from, what they do for a living, how their favourite sports team is doing - before we get to anything sexual. But sometimes...sometimes you get that caller that makes you want to do nothing more than log out of the phone and watch reruns of Golden Girls for the rest of the afternoon.
I have this caller who has decided to make me his regular. We'll call him Bob. Bob lives in middle America. 50-something. Divorced. What he calls for? Is to talk about way's he'd like to get back at his ex-wife by sexually humiliating her.
I have taken my share of domme calls. I enjoy them. It allows me to act out in a way my normally strong but sweet, sensitive nature needs. Humiliation calls are par for the course. Different people need different things to get their ya-yas off and I am never one to judge as long as no one is hurt.
But the way that Bob talked about his ex-wife just hit me in the wrong way. It was not so much about sexual gratification as it was about revenge. I managed to stay in character the whole time. Joined in with the agreement about what a horrible "bitch slut" his ex-wife is. Joined in through gritted teeth and my head hung low.
The first call lasted 22 minutes. The 2nd, a few days later lasted 19. Good paying calls, but sometimes that money just isn't enough.
When I worked doing invoicing at a chem company, we'd get perverts calling now and again, you know the pathetic who believe any 800 number is a sex line...
He'd always ask, "How big are your boobs?" and I'd get to say "Big enough to choke a weasel like you"...which always made me laugh, and I'd hang up since our company would be paying for the call to the 800 line. Ah, things were so innocent in the late 80's