Bags of candy I started with last night? 2
Bags of candy I ended up with this morning? 2
Number of kids who came by? 0
Thats right. No one came by. Operation "make my neighbors like me" was a complete failure. A delicious, reeses peanut butter cup flavored failure.
But yesterday was not a complete wash as a small theatre here wants to let me put on my burlesque show the 2nd weekend of every month starting in February! Yay boobs!
Bags of candy I ended up with this morning? 2
Number of kids who came by? 0
Thats right. No one came by. Operation "make my neighbors like me" was a complete failure. A delicious, reeses peanut butter cup flavored failure.
But yesterday was not a complete wash as a small theatre here wants to let me put on my burlesque show the 2nd weekend of every month starting in February! Yay boobs!
and about halloween...
don't feel bad. more candy for you!
congrats on the burlesque show!