My armpit cancer turned out to be nothing. Just an infected sweat duct from exercising and using deodorant. It should go away on its own in a couple of days.
Saturday, I discovered a hard marble-sized lump in my armpit. I think it sprang up overnight. The Internet says that it's probably my lymph node responding to some sort of infectioin or virus rather than armpit cancer. I've got an appointment with a doctor in 90 minutes to get it checked out.
Hrmm...I dunno if that's as complex as what I need. I'm looking to build a remote controlled submarine, complete with cameras to see underwater, as well as having the ability to indicate depth and some other things to the operator. I know enough about electronics and mechanics to get all of that stuff done, but I'm kind of lost when it comes to actually controlling it and sending the data back to the operator. I got the idea from a book I read today to use a motherboard with a thumbdrive to control it but I'm not sure where to go from there. I think I need to do more research.
Like I was saying, it's possible to get a motherboard/thumbdrive combination for its brains, but the thumbdrive doesn't hold much. I found a project somewhere on the internet that makes what's called Damn Small Linux, which will boot from a thumbdrive and only takes up about 50mb. I hadn't thought of the remote desktop to control it. Will that work with Linux? If I can't figure out a way to control the components via USB I thought that I might be able to get a microcontroller and just slave it to the motherboard. Oh, and I'm totally entering into that submarine design competition. Their design seems extremely awkward. My depth control system is way better.
There's a shitty place down the street called Pasta Ya Gotcha. Everytime I go past it I shake my head and think it's sad that the owner doesn't have friends. They could have told him to rethink his business name, saving him from ridicule.
"And that's why keeping business ideas secret is a bad idea..."
Reading Freakonomics (the book) today, I discovered that Michael has been ruined as a first name.
I know, what's wrong with Michael? It's a good name.
In the '70s and '80s, naming your kid Michael meant that you were (statistically) of good background and high education. That's why it seems like a good name. We're all full of unconscious prejudices, but I don't mind benefiting... Read More
I hate all thing wheat tortilla. Lately I have been on a bratwurst kick. Here is a picture of me at Matt's hot dogs 10 minutes before our vegan dinner last night.
Normally Internet videos are lame, fucking lame, and ridiculously lame. Ever see that video where the guy put mentos in a 2-litre bottle of soda and it shot coke a few feet in the air?
Crikey, our schedule is all fucked up and we may not make it to prom. I've got a project due that Tuesday and there'll be changes dragging out through that Friday.
I think he got more attractive the older he got, really grew into his creepiness.
That movie was just not very liniar. and it's weird that they were like zombies, but they were vampires.......but they could talk and think but not open doors.
You and Jake should get together and compare lumps sometime.