I'm thinking of getting a tattoo of this guy. His part in corpse bride isn't very big, but I liked the character a great deal.
When thinking about him, there's of course the asthetic level. Like, I really enjoy a skeleton with a mustache and find him pleasing to the eye. But on a deeper level, I associate this guy with technical excellence, creativity in the face of opposition -- it's not easy to get a big budget claymation movie made, it's a gutsy, unusual story, quite weird actually -- and the character has more than a dash of old British pomp too. They're all good things to aspire to, and maybe worth having a lifelong reminder of.
Ramble, ramble, ramble.
<- I like gin.
<- Rynray's dog died early this morning. Please send her your condolences.
<- LostEpoch's birthday was coming up so we gave him a SG subscription. He's a film student in San Francisco and may one day do great things.
<- Downloading Corpse Bride now. I think I'll buy a movie ticket or two to balance out my karma.
<- Received a beta invitation to City of Villains this morning. I'm very happy.
[edited to fix link: the hotlinking seemed unstable]
That's a fine idea for a tattoo. I like his blown-away chest too... obstinance in the face of mortality.
Looks like stuff has been a little rocky lately, I hope things are balancing out for you.