Multi-update cosmocon with pictures!
After putting three offers on places, we got this one. It's in Redmond about a half-mile from the end of the 520. It's a very nice townhome / condo. And I'm stoked. We just found out yesterday that the seller accepted our offer.
Here's pictures of the new place. It closes at the end of November.

Hey, remember the website-editing tool from a couple months back? I ended up hiring the Swedish art student to design the interface and he's almost done. The mock-ups are fun and I'm looking forward to incorporating it in the software.
I've got a problem though. It's really cool, but I don't have time to make it a business. What on earth should I do with it?

Thanks for the birthday wishes everybody! I totally appreciated it.
After putting three offers on places, we got this one. It's in Redmond about a half-mile from the end of the 520. It's a very nice townhome / condo. And I'm stoked. We just found out yesterday that the seller accepted our offer.
Here's pictures of the new place. It closes at the end of November.

Hey, remember the website-editing tool from a couple months back? I ended up hiring the Swedish art student to design the interface and he's almost done. The mock-ups are fun and I'm looking forward to incorporating it in the software.
I've got a problem though. It's really cool, but I don't have time to make it a business. What on earth should I do with it?

Thanks for the birthday wishes everybody! I totally appreciated it.
(edited to add)
The software, not the condo.