Before we discovered we were suddenly and outrageously poor (from taxes and being self-employed), I bought two $30 european board games.

Carcassonne is fucking cool. Each player takes turns drawing a tile from the bag and placing it. You create the board as you go along and score points for finishing roads, churches and cities. It's super-easy and addictive. We were playing it so much that we burned out and had to call a 2-day break.
Score: 9/10

Through the Desert on the other hand is an asshole of a board game. I was suckered in by the pastel camels. For a light game, it's way too serious. For a serious game, it's monotonous and overbearing. We hated it.
Score: 2/10
If you've got some time, check out Board Games with Scott. He does video reviews of board games.

Carcassonne is fucking cool. Each player takes turns drawing a tile from the bag and placing it. You create the board as you go along and score points for finishing roads, churches and cities. It's super-easy and addictive. We were playing it so much that we burned out and had to call a 2-day break.
Score: 9/10

Through the Desert on the other hand is an asshole of a board game. I was suckered in by the pastel camels. For a light game, it's way too serious. For a serious game, it's monotonous and overbearing. We hated it.
Score: 2/10
If you've got some time, check out Board Games with Scott. He does video reviews of board games.
By the way, you or Lanka mentioned something about going to Coho a while back. I find it inconceivable that I work so close and haven't ever eaten there before. What say we go late next week or the week after?