Reading Freakonomics (the book) today, I discovered that Michael has been ruined as a first name.
I know, what's wrong with Michael? It's a good name.
In the '70s and '80s, naming your kid Michael meant that you were (statistically) of good background and high education. That's why it seems like a good name. We're all full of unconscious prejudices, but I don't mind benefiting from the positive ones.
Then the low education, low income people started naming their kids it in the '90s because it was successful sounding. Thus, the value of the name was diluted by the next generation.
I didn't know this, but today, Michael ranks at #13 for Names Most Associated with Low-Education Parents. By being named Michael, it means that my parents (statistically) didn't even graduate high school
Those poseur Michaels are growing up and will be adults soon. Soon Michael is going to be a shitty name.
What do you think, should I change my name to Finnegan? Finnegan means may parents (statistically) had 16.13 years of education. It's number 11 on the best education list, following such well-known classic first names as Dov, Ansel and Tor.
I know, what's wrong with Michael? It's a good name.
In the '70s and '80s, naming your kid Michael meant that you were (statistically) of good background and high education. That's why it seems like a good name. We're all full of unconscious prejudices, but I don't mind benefiting from the positive ones.
Then the low education, low income people started naming their kids it in the '90s because it was successful sounding. Thus, the value of the name was diluted by the next generation.
I didn't know this, but today, Michael ranks at #13 for Names Most Associated with Low-Education Parents. By being named Michael, it means that my parents (statistically) didn't even graduate high school

Those poseur Michaels are growing up and will be adults soon. Soon Michael is going to be a shitty name.
What do you think, should I change my name to Finnegan? Finnegan means may parents (statistically) had 16.13 years of education. It's number 11 on the best education list, following such well-known classic first names as Dov, Ansel and Tor.
so what are the stats on michelle? it's the feminine version, so i wonder what the variant is... there it is. official proof i am infact a nerd.

I was just talking about this same thing with my bassist Michael about this very subject tonight.