I thught it was impossible to use apple juice as a mixr.
Behold, the hot toddy!
1. Fille a cup with applue juice
2. add dessert spices (cinnamon, ginger, etc.)
3. microwave forever until hot
4. add rum
behold! I have found the fueld for going to the gym.
* * *
Later update: Ruby has no "for" loop!
(Mind is blown!)
* * *
After having my mind blown another three times by the Ruby documentation, I'm ready to commit. This is love at first sight.
I was able to recreate an 11 page object I wrote in Perl in just a half page of Ruby. It took an hour the first time around, and this time took just two minutes. Mind is BLOWN!
* * *
Wait, Ruby does have a "for loop" I was drinking and missed it.
Still, this is fucking cool:
Behold, the hot toddy!
1. Fille a cup with applue juice
2. add dessert spices (cinnamon, ginger, etc.)
3. microwave forever until hot
4. add rum
behold! I have found the fueld for going to the gym.
* * *
Later update: Ruby has no "for" loop!
(Mind is blown!)
* * *
After having my mind blown another three times by the Ruby documentation, I'm ready to commit. This is love at first sight.
I was able to recreate an 11 page object I wrote in Perl in just a half page of Ruby. It took an hour the first time around, and this time took just two minutes. Mind is BLOWN!
class User
attr_reader :username, :password, :email, :first, :last
attr_writer :username, :password, :email, :first, :last
def initialize(username,password,email,first,last)
@username = username
@password = password
@email = email
@first = first
@last = last
* * *
Wait, Ruby does have a "for loop" I was drinking and missed it.
Still, this is fucking cool:
[ bluetrust, lankakitten ].each { | user |
puts "I am #{user.username} and my password is #{user.password}"
Must be all that capitalism.