Well, it is with heavy heart that I announce my forthcoming retirement from SG. In recent months my financial situation has become untenable, and on Christmas Eve my landlady decided that, because of me, she wants the whole house to move out. At the same time I'm beginning the proceedings that will eventually leave me officially bankrupt rather than just poor. It is therefore highly...
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what did you do to make her kick you out? I've got your email addy so will keep in touch, I might be going as well, I havent decided yet.
well you're still here and ungray... hope all is well.
Well, since i last updated my computer has been rebuilt and is better and faster. by which i mean, it's only five years old rather than seven. still, i was only running 400mhz before and now i'm running 800 which is still shit but there you go. anyhoo, still skint and surviving hand to mouth. interview yesterday, find out tomorrow if i'm going to get...
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was it good news with the job?
I hate Xmas as well - way too much stress for my liking.
I hate Xmas as well - way too much stress for my liking.
Did you get the job? 

looks like things could be picking up. i got an income tax rebate of nearly 400 quid. and i might be being given my temp job full time. so i may yet survive. even with this rebate i don't ahve the money to pay my rent arrears and all teh bills i owe immediately, but still, it's nice when that sort of thing happens. just...
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Sorry but can't help you with the fag thing.
looks like there might be some light at the end of the tunnel.
Fingers crossed things will keep getting better for you.
looks like there might be some light at the end of the tunnel.

ohhhh if only i could get a tax rebate!! I had my internet/phone bill today. Comes out on monday. I don't have enough money to pay for it. *sob sob*
Today i am stealing quizzes from Sky...
A): Step 1: Open your MP3 player.
Step 2: Put all of your music on random.
Step 3: Write down the first 20 songs it plays, no matter how embarrassing.
Step 4: Add what each song makes you think of after you type the list of songs.
1: Circle Takes The Square - Kill The...
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A): Step 1: Open your MP3 player.
Step 2: Put all of your music on random.
Step 3: Write down the first 20 songs it plays, no matter how embarrassing.
Step 4: Add what each song makes you think of after you type the list of songs.
1: Circle Takes The Square - Kill The...
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yeah no McDonalds feels better too.
I'm very proud
I'm very proud
I fucking love the Pixies, and specifically that song. You're so lucky to have seen them!
Ooh and thank you for the birthday wishes!
Ooh and thank you for the birthday wishes!

Well i've been away too long but by christ i've been busy. working again and i'm knackered all the time. still the money is due to come in soon. my bank have been calling and calling and i've beens witching the phone off. i wish there was something else i could do but sadly not. it's kind of hard to earn money when you spent...
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Hey, thanks for the compliment. About your post - I sympathathise... London is a very depressive place and it seems to breed alcoholism. But glad things are working out.

hey the bank cant have wot you aint got...i learnt that one. but i also learnt when you have got it they take it back straight away.
It sucks been there loads of times. right now being one of them.
but your in love so go to bed early gives you less time to think about it...
will try and get new pics but cant upload sum of them.
It sucks been there loads of times. right now being one of them.
but your in love so go to bed early gives you less time to think about it...

will try and get new pics but cant upload sum of them.
You know what else makes me sad. Being skint. I've barely left the house this week cos I haven't had any money. I've been put forward by two jobs by my agencies and I haven't heard back from any of them. I had an interview last week but didn't get it. I've applied for four jobs so far this week. I just don't seem to...
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skint = no money?

the job market is shit right now. Fingers crossed it'll pick up soon. In the meantime don't let it get you down too much.

awww what a sweet post!

another lost weekend. thursday night's session wasn't one of the best. the bar clearly didn't really want a dj and had no promotions whatsoever, almost no customers except the bunch of noisy drunken scruffs we brung with us. and they kept telling us to turn it down, do this, do that... enforced a cut off time and all teh things that basically let me know...
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awww sorry to hear you didn't have the best weekend
the manics and i still see eye to eye
i think though, it's mostly because of my age.
when the holy bible was released i was only just into junior school.
when This Is My Truth.. came out i was only 13. It was the first album I got into. And then I went back and got their back catalogue. I do prefer the old stuff. But i was too young to appreciate it at the time... and so when i see them i stilll get the buzz and the excitement when they play a track off The Holy Bible. Just because I never got the chance to see them with Richey
i think though, it's mostly because of my age.
when the holy bible was released i was only just into junior school.
when This Is My Truth.. came out i was only 13. It was the first album I got into. And then I went back and got their back catalogue. I do prefer the old stuff. But i was too young to appreciate it at the time... and so when i see them i stilll get the buzz and the excitement when they play a track off The Holy Bible. Just because I never got the chance to see them with Richey
been a nice few days, despite being let go and not having any work. i'm desperatly skint which sucks, can't be long now before i'm bankrupt, but ho hum. went to a friend's birthday party on friday and then went raving at a nice squat party but did too many drugs. am a bit comedowny today which wasn't helped by running out of my ADs...
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which end of essex road? did this place used to be the lighthouse??

idiot housemates are one of my least favourite things.
so i've got a lovely shiny new glass eye - actually acrylic. it's kind of sore. but i got a little case to keep it in and a tiny little suction cup to pop it out with, which is cool.
i got sacked yesterday from my temp job for not being at my desk enough. i wouldn't mind if i had actually been slacking but...
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i got sacked yesterday from my temp job for not being at my desk enough. i wouldn't mind if i had actually been slacking but...
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Aha! Thanks for telling me; I hope it wasn't too rude of me to ask.
"a tiny little suction cup to pop it out with"
does anyone else find that as hot as i do?
does anyone else find that as hot as i do?

well, i'm off to moorfields eye hospital in london's trendy old street area. i'm about to have a plate fitted to cover my weird eye and stop the muscles in the right side of my face atrophying. will it turn out our hero's wonky eye is the source of all his powers? will he get distracted by all the street art and the foundry? will...
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good luck with the surgery!!
thanks so much for the compliment on my set.
thanks so much for the compliment on my set.

still a bit on the ill side, but not been doing much about it. except making lots of snot. would quite like a major blow out but there doesn't seem to be anything going on at the moment. hence a saturday night spent indoors. and we've used up all the drugs. just watched the whole series two of black books, which means i now want...
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of course u can add me
and if u at the convention i will see u there