today had to fired one of my female tattooist, she has been mess up on tattoo, and today was it, i will fix no more of her shit, told he to go back to tattooing 101 and get the basic down again, ask if there was a problem she said no, just did care, that made my blood boil, i'm irish, but i sayed cool. i said then it's time to move on, went the pasion leaves get out. i'm sorry i don't see how you can loose the pasion for tattooing, if you are that fairweather some many kids want to tattoo until they fine out it a lot of work, they want it all handed to them. well that enough bitch'in form me, i read my girls blog to see want everone's been up to. fan through there pic saw some new one's that great. well next week i get my csating back for my new tattoo frame i am making, that will be nice to mess around with,the Sg girl's show was in town so, i went to see it, it was a blast see my co-worker with there tongues hanging out of there mouths, all i have to say is brvo! it was great if anybody is reading my stuff you should go and see the show, you have a good time no matter what.. will its late i have some drawing to do for tattooing , so i will get them done so i can go watch some tv and melt my mind.