Tonight me and Becki went for sushi. They had pastrami sushi, which was a first for me. I didn`t go to nihongo-salon this morning as I was up until late copying my music onto my computer. Me and luke both got messenger so that we can chat with Becki, Valerie and Erica upstairs. It was pretty cool yesterday when I got Becki, Luke and Karen from nihongo-salon in the same chat room. Tommorow looks like an easy day, with special voice at the end, then it`s the weekend, in which I need to make serious progress on the finding a job front. Kept getting rung by some guy from Liverpool university to join a Masters course in computing that I was only vaguely interested in in the first place. Website is coming on nicely. Managed to stop everything moving around by putting things in tables.
Yup I was nailed now its your turn.
20 random facts then find a bunch of people to punish! HWA HA HA!!!