So, today I had a really good day with tiffany who is a new teacher who arrived in Japan yesterday. We spent all day walking around Kobe and shopping for stuff. I got a really good new Japanese grammer book, a book called `a short introduction to history` and `Foucaults pendulum` by Umberto Eco. I liked the name of the rose so I this should be good too, i hope....
Here is me today at a shrine in Kobe
So on monday I went on a walking tour of the town I live in with my Japanese class. We went to visit a guy who makes and repairs shrines, the one below was 300 years old. It was way cool.
And a sunny rice feild next to my Apt.
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Here is me today at a shrine in Kobe
So on monday I went on a walking tour of the town I live in with my Japanese class. We went to visit a guy who makes and repairs shrines, the one below was 300 years old. It was way cool.
And a sunny rice feild next to my Apt.
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I'm so jealous of you i want to go to Japan - one day i will,
I'd like the gift of the gab theres nothing like a quick wit and amazing charm to get women throwing their knickers your way.
Hope you're doing okay and enjoying your books.