Tonight me and Becki went for sushi. They had pastrami sushi, which was a first for me. I didn`t go to nihongo-salon this morning as I was up until late copying my music onto my computer. Me and luke both got messenger so that we can chat with Becki, Valerie and Erica upstairs. It was pretty cool yesterday when I got Becki, Luke and Karen...
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its funny, the raw part of sushi doesnt bother me, its the sea weed that makes me gag surreal
TAG! your it.

Yup I was nailed now its your turn.

20 random facts then find a bunch of people to punish! HWA HA HA!!!

An ordinary life

My mother used to be a teacher. When my older sisters were born she continued to work but when my younger sister and I were born she quit to look after the family. Now she likes watching University Challenge and gardening.

My mother gave up her job and her life and put her dreams on hold for 20 years to raise her...
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I think I had love once with some guy that didn't want me. That was a long time ago though.
I don't know how to feel about the "not looking" theory however. If I really wanted to find a giraffe, for example, and I decided the best way to find one was to stop looking for one, I doubt I would be rewarded with the sight of a giraffe walking down the street. Just saying.

I feel like i know my mom preatty well, but think about it, do you tell your parents everything, do you expect your children to?
How well do we really know our parents?
Well, the having people not care about you that you care about....that's a different story altogether. frown

You have a very normal life, you know that?
So it seems that lately I`m becoming somewhat of an insomniac, it`s now 5am. I don`t really like staying up late but I tend to drink coffee in the evening and lately I`ve been spending all my spare time downloading my cd collection onto my new ipod via my computer, it`s taking ages!

I also decided to eat healthily for a while because I don`t...
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i was watching a show on the food network the other day and i thought of you. this guy (chef andrew) was traveling around asia and eating some of the weirdest things he could find. i think a few of the japanese ones were birds nest soup, a meal that was several courses and each had different parts of the same frog, and the same thing done with a turtle. it was insane!! have you ever seen any of this stuff? whats the weirdest thing youve been served over there?
ooh, new pic!

Extenguish Her. clever.

I like the name Ozark Mountain Fiddlers for a punk band.

i have been using boo-ya too much i'm sure.

working on bringing back "boss" "rad" and "fresh"

Awake is one of the best songs ever.
hope you enjoyed your trip, did it make you homesick?

my spelling is quite awful as well, which is embarassing at 27.
so glad to hear from you. i know my updating lapses sometimes too but i get worried if i dont hear from people confused
thanks for your comment, sorry things didnt work out with you and tiff, you should go after some cute asian girls! i had a friend once who only dated asian girls, i was so pissed off, i mean if i guy you like doesnt like chubby girls you can think well if i just lost weight... but how the hell was i gonna change my nationality?
lol, random stories!!!
anyway good luck and i like your haircut!!
So, I`m going back to England for my interview for the scholarship to Hokkaido University.It`s so crazy, I`m going from Japan to England for a 20 minute interview. It`s what I really want to do though so I think it`s worth it.

Tomorrow I`m going to Kobe to organise my Visa and get a flight. I`ll be good to catch up with some people at...
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i want an update!! hows the girl? i miss your pictures of japan, come back!!!
wow, last time i was on all my posts went twice.... freaky

[Edited on Jul 14, 2005 5:39PM]
heat index is around 105 C

(i need to study the metric system like crazy, we Americans say phooy to your up-idy mesurements!)

Sumimasem, Nihongoga wakarimasen. Anatawa Eongoga wakarimas ka?

I don't know how my spelling is, but that was the first phrase i was sure to know.
Interestingly, Memphis TN and Osaka are close to the same place on the equator. Only we have NO elevation.
So, today I had a really good day with tiffany who is a new teacher who arrived in Japan yesterday. We spent all day walking around Kobe and shopping for stuff. I got a really good new Japanese grammer book, a book called `a short introduction to history` and `Foucaults pendulum` by Umberto Eco. I liked the name of the rose so I this should...
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Wow, cool class you got there. What shrine?
My t-shirts pwn.

I'm so jealous of you i want to go to Japan - one day i will,

I'd like the gift of the gab theres nothing like a quick wit and amazing charm to get women throwing their knickers your way.

Hope you're doing okay and enjoying your books.
Hey, nothing wrong with a little bok hehe

That rice field looks awesome- if I were you I would be taking tons of pictures- and posting em on SG wink
well the -10 is discounting the 1200 i got into debt last term... surreal
Today I had the worst schedule ever. All really low level kids, my brain almost froze. I forgot to say the other day that the frogs have arrived. The farmer flooded the rice feild behind my place and now the noise from the frogs is unbelievable. They get to be even worse in mid-summer, you have to be careful you don`t step on one by...
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The never-ending bank of vending machines. Don't see a beer one there, though. Is there?
Also, was wondering if you'd be up for a Hanshin Tigers game this summer? Gonna try and get my friends together for one, probably in July. It's really just a piss-up and the baseball is rather tertiary, but the fans are damn fun. Whaddya say?
those are weird Vending machines. Thanks for the info about Japan man. And no I have never read Otherlands who is it by I'll check it out.
So today was spent recuperating.I had my favorate food of the moment for lunch,(smoked salmon and eggs on toast), and watched a film and studied my kanji renshuchou and then went out for dinner with work people. What a fucking boring day. However I do feel as though I`ll be able to survive another week of work.

So apparently the girls at work picture me...
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what was your degree then? english? so you're british right? how did you vote, like a postal one or just didn't bother? thanks for the sympathy about le break-up, it's ok now i think, got lots of work to do so need to keep my mind of it really.....
oh and the smiths are better than the cure (only a little bit though)
Hello to you to man, yeah I have more dorky fantasy novels that I could count. I have a friend well former friend whose dream was to do what you do ( taech english in Japan) do you have to speak Japanesse first or what?