D-day is coming shortly......the husband shall be back.
I hope things go well, but I have a feeling that they wont.The same bullshit will go on.Anyways, enough about depressing shit.
I am getting a tattoo on thursday!!!!!! YAY!!!!! Gonna get a celtic knot band thingy around my ankle.Just showing my proud Irish heritage is all.It's gonna be pretty, all blue and whatnot.Coron is gonna take m and watch me turn into a pussy while I get it done, I have a feeling that its gonna hurt since it is gonna be around my ankle.I kinda wish that Crystal would go but I dont know whats up with her right now. Guess we are both getting kind of wierd since the husbands are coming back and all.We have gotten used to doing things on our own and just, ya know, doing our own thing.Now, all that is gonna change.
No more drunken escapades at Crystal's house, well, at least not the ones that we are used to.Anyways, that is all.

I am getting a tattoo on thursday!!!!!! YAY!!!!! Gonna get a celtic knot band thingy around my ankle.Just showing my proud Irish heritage is all.It's gonna be pretty, all blue and whatnot.Coron is gonna take m and watch me turn into a pussy while I get it done, I have a feeling that its gonna hurt since it is gonna be around my ankle.I kinda wish that Crystal would go but I dont know whats up with her right now. Guess we are both getting kind of wierd since the husbands are coming back and all.We have gotten used to doing things on our own and just, ya know, doing our own thing.Now, all that is gonna change.


How'd the tattooage go? Is it color or black and white? TELL ME! I MUST KNOW!