Had a fucking great weekend
Played some monopoly, It wasnt drunk monopoly though, I was on Vicodin at the time. But not too soon after we started playing I just said fuck it....and took a shot of rum.Took lots of pictures, video taped retarded drunk people....wait, that was us. Just had an all around good time. Going to a Christmas party on thursday...yeah, I know, a Christmas party on St. Patricks day. It will be fun though. I'm gonna dress up somewhat. Just a pair of black pants and my white shirt and red vinyl tie. Then the drunkeness shall shortly follow!!!!!! Anywho, gonna go now, have shit to do.
Later people!!!!!

Played some monopoly, It wasnt drunk monopoly though, I was on Vicodin at the time. But not too soon after we started playing I just said fuck it....and took a shot of rum.Took lots of pictures, video taped retarded drunk people....wait, that was us. Just had an all around good time. Going to a Christmas party on thursday...yeah, I know, a Christmas party on St. Patricks day. It will be fun though. I'm gonna dress up somewhat. Just a pair of black pants and my white shirt and red vinyl tie. Then the drunkeness shall shortly follow!!!!!! Anywho, gonna go now, have shit to do.
Later people!!!!!

Do you know anyone involved in any Spas in Hawaii looking for talented massage therapists? One of my new "dreams" is to either move to Hawaii or The Keys and work in a Spa on some beach. I still have a ways to go, but I like the sound of it. One of the students I know is moving there without knowing anyone or having a set job in a spa, or anywhere....she has some balls on her....I wanna do that!!!
Pretty far from the mainland. It would be tough not being able to see my family when I wanted.
Well, I'm gonna listen to some muzic, and get ready 4 school and schmoke schome weeeeed!