Well, im between a rock and a fucking hard place thats for goddamn sure!! I received a letter from my grandma today. I thought it was gona be a "I miss you darling, wish you were back at home, tell Joseph we miss him the next time you talk to him". Actually, it went kind of like this..."You have to come home, dont just think about it, I am telling you to come home and take care of your little brother and your mother.If you dont, me and the rest of the family are going to call Social Services and have your little brother taken away from your mom, and I am also gonna get her license taken away.We have all heard that Josephs time in Afghanistan got extended for a year, well, if that is the matter, then you should come back instead of staying away from your family.And, please dont tell your mother about this letter or she will do something drastic like commit suicide"
I cant take all of this bullshit anymore!!!!My family is saying that they are trying to help my mom but really they are just making the situation worse then what it actually is.Instead of threatening her all the time, they can put all of that energy and enthusiasm into helping her and doing something that is actually good.
This bullshit has been going on for more then 2 years, ever since I got married. I have flown home so many times because of this shit.And everytime I do go home, flying 5000 miles all the way back to virginia, they all treat me like shit and tell me that i shouldnt be living here and that I was too young when I got married.
And I dont even know where they got that bullshit information about joseph having to stay over there for an extra year because i would have been the first to know because i talk to him every single day.
Well, I guess I have bitched enough for one night.
One more thing, My new friendships with people seem to get fucked up somehow and I dont even see why I try to make new friends anymore.It's either, i seem to fuck something up somehow and usually that isnt the case, or my other friends dont think that they are getting the required attention from my new friends. It all comes back on me, all on porr little Rachel and no matter what I say or do, it doesnt make a bit of difference.
Good night people
I cant take all of this bullshit anymore!!!!My family is saying that they are trying to help my mom but really they are just making the situation worse then what it actually is.Instead of threatening her all the time, they can put all of that energy and enthusiasm into helping her and doing something that is actually good.
This bullshit has been going on for more then 2 years, ever since I got married. I have flown home so many times because of this shit.And everytime I do go home, flying 5000 miles all the way back to virginia, they all treat me like shit and tell me that i shouldnt be living here and that I was too young when I got married.
And I dont even know where they got that bullshit information about joseph having to stay over there for an extra year because i would have been the first to know because i talk to him every single day.
Well, I guess I have bitched enough for one night.
One more thing, My new friendships with people seem to get fucked up somehow and I dont even see why I try to make new friends anymore.It's either, i seem to fuck something up somehow and usually that isnt the case, or my other friends dont think that they are getting the required attention from my new friends. It all comes back on me, all on porr little Rachel and no matter what I say or do, it doesnt make a bit of difference.
Good night people
The way I look at your situation is this. Do what you feel is right for you kiddo. No one has the right to tell you when to drop your life or when to pick it back up again. Fuck that noise!