Whats up people!!!!!!!!!
Yeah, It has been raining like a bitch over here, thought we were gonna lose power last night but luckily we didnt, yay!!! Oh, but the street over from me did, muahahahaha....bastards.Lmao!!!!
I finally got to talk to my buddy RivelVonstallen.
He is such a cutie and hopefully, we will hang out soon, that would be fun, he promised me a ride on his shoulders, woohoo!!!!!!
Anyways, sucky weather, freinds are still asleep.Their christmas shit finally came in the mail, so I wrapped them up and I'm gonna give them to em when they wake up.I am still waiting on the other shipment of their christmas shit though.
Hahahahahaha.I woke up at 10:30 this morning.Had a fucked up dream about my psycho ex boyfriend and how he was trying to lure me into his car with a cute puppy......yeah, it was retarded.
I ran out of cigs last night, I was going fucking crazy!!!! So, Nate gets off of work, comes home, I throw in a Dvd with The Dead Milkmen videos on them, afterwards, we head to Wal Mart!!!!! Nate called it our headqaurters....yep,lol.
I wore my leopard print bunny ears, which was interesting (I will post pics later on of our adventure to wally world)
We go eat at Jack in the box first, then go to wal mart, we always act so retarded .Crystal pulled Nate's pants down while he was walking down one of the isles, i missed it, luckily, but it was still funny.I almost fell over in the floor, thought me and Crystal were both gonna die from laughter.
Then Crystal takes some pictures of me dancing in the wal mart parking lot, which was mucho mucho fun!!!!
My christmas tree is still up.....i'm just too lazy to take it down, at least it's just a fake one.And Bob is still hanging from his tiny little noose.So, nothing has really changed in my house.Well, except for the family of midget goblins living in my attic.
I'm outta here.Later!!!!!!!!!
Yeah, It has been raining like a bitch over here, thought we were gonna lose power last night but luckily we didnt, yay!!! Oh, but the street over from me did, muahahahaha....bastards.Lmao!!!!
I finally got to talk to my buddy RivelVonstallen.
He is such a cutie and hopefully, we will hang out soon, that would be fun, he promised me a ride on his shoulders, woohoo!!!!!!
Anyways, sucky weather, freinds are still asleep.Their christmas shit finally came in the mail, so I wrapped them up and I'm gonna give them to em when they wake up.I am still waiting on the other shipment of their christmas shit though.
Hahahahahaha.I woke up at 10:30 this morning.Had a fucked up dream about my psycho ex boyfriend and how he was trying to lure me into his car with a cute puppy......yeah, it was retarded.
I ran out of cigs last night, I was going fucking crazy!!!! So, Nate gets off of work, comes home, I throw in a Dvd with The Dead Milkmen videos on them, afterwards, we head to Wal Mart!!!!! Nate called it our headqaurters....yep,lol.
I wore my leopard print bunny ears, which was interesting (I will post pics later on of our adventure to wally world)
We go eat at Jack in the box first, then go to wal mart, we always act so retarded .Crystal pulled Nate's pants down while he was walking down one of the isles, i missed it, luckily, but it was still funny.I almost fell over in the floor, thought me and Crystal were both gonna die from laughter.
Then Crystal takes some pictures of me dancing in the wal mart parking lot, which was mucho mucho fun!!!!
My christmas tree is still up.....i'm just too lazy to take it down, at least it's just a fake one.And Bob is still hanging from his tiny little noose.So, nothing has really changed in my house.Well, except for the family of midget goblins living in my attic.
I'm outta here.Later!!!!!!!!!

hehe.. you wanna go through my closet with me I need to thin out my wardrobe and you are the only one that looks about my size....

see thats what you get for stalking me... I will squish you with my ginormic truck ... bwahahahahahaaaa