Well, mailed out Rob's guitar today, I just wonder how long it will take to get to him.He is going crazy.He loves his friend Liz, he could never talk to her.Well, he could but she just wasnt listening to him.He wants to marry her.So, he had dear old Rachel(thats me!!!! ) talk to Liz for him.Finally I got her side of the story, but she still doesnt have the right to lead him on and make him think other wise.Now, Rob is pissed off because,like I said, she lead him on, but he fell for it and he knew how she was anyways, Liz the little heartbreaker.Anyways.I'm getting a new tattoo here pretty soon.Gonna get a hummingbird tattooed on my thigh....It's gonna be perdy
Gotta go check the mail.
Gotta go check the mail.
I feel you when it comes to having your head stared at because it's not normal. I was walking around with a purple chelsea as long as I could and I kept getting weird looks and shitty comments from my father in law. By the by you got some good taste in music!
those silly rascally kids... when will they ever learn....??? so whe are you going to go out and meet with the crew??? and whats your real name anywho/????-Christina