quick note, don't care how cute it looks.

my dog buddy is gone. sold away after 7 years living with us. last night at 4 to almost 6am, we hung out and it was cool. I think I caught a cold walking/running him outside in the cold night (for his last time to explorer our 4 acre land in the parent's place). Its difficult to...
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Sorry to hear about that. Few things are stronger than the connection between a man and his dog. At least you know that he's okay wherever he is, and living a happy life, that's comforting.

Sucks you're leaving SG, good luck wherever the rest of the intarweb may take you.
last few days busy with school so I haven't been able to change pictures.
soooo.... its eMOTIVE, a APC record of songs about WAR, PEACE, LOVE, and GREED.

but youre right! It is fun to read people's profiles. And I've found some really artistic bullshit on SG. Most enjoyable to see girls with clothes on though//. IT makes my SG worthwhile. Glad it isn't all...
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that was awesome....although the video didnt work for me....
The Counting Bodies like Sheep video is whole-heartedly insane, but it's very cool to catch the more subtle messages in there, love it a bunch. I just wish the song was more coherent though, without the video it feels pretty lack-luster.

Two hyphens in one comment, I must be a madman!

[Edited on Oct 04, 2004 10:11PM]
yesteday, a tropical storm drifted partcially over us atlanta people. In my apartment, new pavement covered our parking lot, which is now flooded in dry sand, mud, branches, and my spit.

Coming home on the freeway from work, traffic moved slow. The roads were flooding and south and north of Georgia were having a bad day as well. My mom called worrying and I said...
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There's a funny feeling that tingles me. Its only been 1 day and I realize this is a shitsite. Welp, there's no harm being here for one month, One month of entertainment that lasts for a few days.

Not saying that people here are stupid, I'm sure many of you girls are here for entertainment purposes / doing it for yourself. but it just so...
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shut the fuck up. you suck.