It's September 11th and I''m fucking excited for halloween!! It's early but who cares? I had a blast last year at the SG halloween thing at Cafe Netherworld and at the Cherry Pit (Disentigration). This year I'm dressing up as super-slutty goth chick
Any been to Rave on Colfax? They are my inspiration. I went the first time yesterday and about died with happiness at the sight of old-school punk/goth items. I had massive flashbacks from highschool. Usually one has to go to fashion nation on 13th to find anything but this store puts them to shame.
Are there any plans yet or is it still a tad early?

Are there any plans yet or is it still a tad early?
It's going to be a fundraiser (donations most likely going to the Red Cross) for the Hurricane relief effort. We'll feature art as well as hopefully have bands, bondage demos, things of that nature. Just a way Dark Artists thought that they could help out.