feeeeeeeeeeeeel sooooooooooo fat
My guy is outta town for a week
Not much has been going on...work, home, bed, work , home bed. Routine kills me. I need something to spice things up a bit!! Anything interesting happening over the weekend?
I was hired into a new position at owrk. Yay and stuff but the paperwork is dreadful. I never knew how much crap I had to sign my name to in order to get on 'official' payroll. background check, drug screen, physical, personality tests, computer tests.....unfuckingbelievable! All I do is sit in a cubicle, type crap, and figure numbers out.
Hope all is well with everyone. Been kinda out of it the past few weeks but life is calming down (hopefully).
off to bed so I can enjoy another fun-filled day of Nestle

My guy is outta town for a week

Not much has been going on...work, home, bed, work , home bed. Routine kills me. I need something to spice things up a bit!! Anything interesting happening over the weekend?
I was hired into a new position at owrk. Yay and stuff but the paperwork is dreadful. I never knew how much crap I had to sign my name to in order to get on 'official' payroll. background check, drug screen, physical, personality tests, computer tests.....unfuckingbelievable! All I do is sit in a cubicle, type crap, and figure numbers out.

Hope all is well with everyone. Been kinda out of it the past few weeks but life is calming down (hopefully).
off to bed so I can enjoy another fun-filled day of Nestle

It was there and I captured it
Thats it
Its whatever you want it to be