My car finally died on me smile so for tonight I'm stuck at my mom's. I get to try to find some new car... seems like I'm getting all kinds of changes a new place to live, a new car, and well I think I finally got Lisa to hate me so all is good.

This weekend alright despite today. Friday I went to the art...
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Yeah. Thats true. I think if you want love though, you're just asking to fall on your ass lol. At least that's been my experience. I think its the being in love that is wonderful, but the pain afterwards is the price you pay in return of the glory you had before it. frown
And, if I ever do have the joy of actually having sex again, I will remember to say, " My My, if this isn't nice, I don't know what is!" But I am sure its going to cause a sudden outburst of laughter lmao
NO! No giving up on romance. It does exist. Its just sneaky. It only likes to catch you when you aren't paying attention lol.

I think it's funny how the medicine that is meant to help your sanity can also kill your brain if you so chose to do so. It's sort of like well if it doesn't make you feel better you can always just take the whole bottle and short circuit your brain. I don't know what is going on with that whole thing though I haven't...
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sorry to hear that you didnt have a good weekend. hopefully things will get better.

My head is sort of hurting well mostly my back.... I hate my body sometimes. So I'm sitting here being a bum making my own margaritas for cinco de mayo.

Today is Lisa's B'day I haven't spoken with her yet though I doubt I will.

I found out from Tatum today that last night her friend Mallory tried to committe suicide. I guess she overdosed...
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That sounds scary... I hope she's alright.

blush kiss
Thats such a hard situation. I hope shes alright too.
I'm just bored today... taking stupid camera pictures in my room trying to avoid seeing my roommates.

I think I might go up to the thrift store and waste money or go on a bike ride I don't know which sounds less appealing.

Well, people got attatched. Once you cut the umbilical cord they attatched to the other things. Sight, sound, sex, money, mirages, mothers,...
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My head aches a bit tonight.

I bought a card for Lisa today and mailed it I guess her birthday is on Saturday. She gave me the address to send it... there still isn't much talking going on as far as that goes I'm not sure what to think or feel about the whole thing. Like most everyone else she doesn't have the time which...
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I don't know who told you that bullshit about you being the kind of person people can only love for brief moments.

*smacks you around*

We'll have none of that Mister! You just- somehow aren't located in the right spot. Theres no reason to give up on romantic love, I know it would be easier because then you wouldn't have to deal with trying to understand why it isn't something you currently have obtained, you know? But it does exist, you just have to be patient.

Now come on there, snap out of it. It'll be alright!
Are you talking about canceling your sg account?

I've been wanting to see this movie since I saw the preview. I got his cd today I'm really liking it I think I might try to go see him he's coming to town in a few weeks I believe.

I'm trying to decide in my mind where the right direction to go with everything. I'm always seeming to make the wrong choices for the...
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I'm feeling more sane.

I still don't know what I'm doing though.