I really need to put a more updated picture up but I'm feeling much to lazy to fix it at the moment.
Well my first semester back in school is almost over a few more weeks then finals. Grade wise I'm not doing too bad though I've had a hard time getting into it. I suppose I'm stuck in a depression I've been feeling progressively more depressed since I've gotten back to Ohio. The time I spent in Texas was rough though but I enjoyed parts of it and miss it. Well I came back to finish school and hopefully I will be able to BA after next semester and then go off somewhere nice for grad school.
Well my first semester back in school is almost over a few more weeks then finals. Grade wise I'm not doing too bad though I've had a hard time getting into it. I suppose I'm stuck in a depression I've been feeling progressively more depressed since I've gotten back to Ohio. The time I spent in Texas was rough though but I enjoyed parts of it and miss it. Well I came back to finish school and hopefully I will be able to BA after next semester and then go off somewhere nice for grad school.
In October last year, when it was my temporary return home, I was hit by a car, and got injured. And I've been still in Japan because I have to take treatments and rehabs. I might be able to go back in Germany in May. I'll be coming to TX, before going back to Germany. I can't wait!!!