well kids i have the power of the net again.... not really but i do have access to it whenever i want. although my account will be shut off soon that dont mean i wont stay in touch with whom ever wants to stay in touch with me... hence forth emails since thats all i shall have for awhile. update on how my craptastic life is... my girlfriend played me and then dumped me for some asshole guy that will just treat her like shit and she will probly come crawling back to me in the end and im just gonna tell her to fuck off, i am always sick now and i swear i have cancer or something cuz my side is killing me all the time and i cant go to the dr cuz im broke and dont have insurance
, and i just got fired lastnight cuz i missed one day of work due to haveing strep throat and i gave them a dr note... other then that im ok i guess but i wish i would just die already. i ahouls juat take a break and go see a friend in Cali i think... its just a matter of getting ahold of his ass.
rubber chicken of DOOM

Then i guess I'll have to create an email habit, huh?