i have spent the night in a hospital and let me tell you that place had NO fucking security or anything...i was walking around all hours of the night stealing shit. i wasnt there for me thouygh my grandma was sick and i wanted to stay with her through the night. the nurse told me i couldnt though but she left and i stayed and broke the rules (oh yeah im a rebel). so i went down to the morgue and i was checking out the dead bodies and i got some tags from the bodies too..it was cool and i got a bedpan that had a pic of bush in it so i HAD to ge t that *LOL*. after that i went to the cafiteria and i went in the kitchen cuz i had the munchies from smoking pot with the dead bodies and i got me a nice sammich and a bag of chips and i went back to my grandmas room and i fell asleep watching "the african queen" awesome humphry bogart cathrin hefburn movie. i went home the next day and i put the bedpan on my wall *L*
i was all creeped out most of the night so thats why i went walking around cuz right next door in the other building is the mental facility that i was in for 6 months..it has been since shut down for malpractice and cruelty but i was still all bothered being that close to it again. some BAD shit happened to me in there i dont ever want to have anyone go through what i did in there.
ill save that story for another time though.

hehe thas great!
I don't know what to say!