something is up with me lately. my yeyes BURN, i cant stay indoors too long or i go nuts like a caged animal, im agressive, and all i want to eat is bloody meat fresh form the butcher drenched in blood
. i have no idea whats up but its weird. my friend Crystal said i could be turning into a demon i was like COOL
. my mom thinks im just crazy so nothing new
. i think im just watching too many vampire/demon/horror movies and im starting to go literaly crazy from watching them...but i was crazy before i started watching them
. i haventa clue really ohwell.
i seriously need to go out and have some fun i am going crazy sitting around my house panting and growling at the dog all night *L*. so yeah someone come and kidnape me for a weekend of mischeive and mayhem? PLEASE!!!! im cute and cuddly and potty trained and i dont eat much either. better idea who wants me to come visit them? i will be geting some hella cash soon and i want to go on a trip so soemone tell me to come visit and im NOT going to NY sorry Paul.

i seriously need to go out and have some fun i am going crazy sitting around my house panting and growling at the dog all night *L*. so yeah someone come and kidnape me for a weekend of mischeive and mayhem? PLEASE!!!! im cute and cuddly and potty trained and i dont eat much either. better idea who wants me to come visit them? i will be geting some hella cash soon and i want to go on a trip so soemone tell me to come visit and im NOT going to NY sorry Paul.

ya gotta believe in the power of springtime