i am so very annoyed. i have had my belly button pierced for around three months. the healing hasn't been pretty but it was healing. then i did some power yoga on a tape my mom gave me and then today there is a nasty blister on the underside of it and the ugly scar bump i had on top is redder than ever. i could feel my jewelry irritating me and thought i should stop, but i figured only about ten more minutes. ha. this morning i had to take it out. it is just too hideous and troublesome. i've discovered that my fears about it healing are very well grounded considering the amount i move around and the fact that i have a toddler who always manages to hurt my piercings more. so bye bye pretty sparkly jewelry. i'll have to get some sparkly jewels for my other piercings to make up for it, lol. i can't believe how horrible my belly button looks right now. i soaked and cleaned it really well after taking my jwelry out and put a bandaid on it. i need to call my piercer and ask for more advice. this sucks so bad. i don't want nasty scar tissue preventing me for evenutally getting it peirced again. just not anytime soon. i need to make it heal faster too. i'm too impatient. i hate wounds.