Yay it is the weekend. Slept for 12 hours and that always seems to improve my mood weird huh?
I think I like sleeping way too much they should make a pill that makes 8 hrs of sleep feel like 12 hrs that would be great.
We silly humans think we know so much but we cant really even say why we need sleep, and why if deprived of it we start to come undone. Is it the dreaming that is important? or just the resting giving our body time to repair.
In stone age when there wasnt fire or even light bulbs it made sense to stay indoors at night cause we were easy pickings in the dark so maybe it is important in terms of evolution. Yeah that is it the more you sleep together the more babies and then families leads to coordinated goups which also incrased survival !
I read a sci fi book called the third door which had an interesting theory that we didnt remember dreams because "aliens" (which were really post apoplytic evoled/mutated humans) who traveled thru time to eat our dreams and record them but it prevented us from gaingin any benefit cause we could only vaugely rmember them if at all. To the aliens it was as addictive as crack or TV to them because since they became telpathic they lost most of their culture and creativity.
Well the hero uses a dream device to travel into the future where they live and he is like a ghost in their awakened world and hefinds out the truth that the "aliens" need us to fight WWIII otherswise they wont exist at all.
So he comes back and somehow prevents WWIII which makes the "aliens" cease to exist, and so humans all back thru time get their dreams back since they never were eaten in the first place, People now have restful sleep and remember every dream they ever had and start functioning with "100%" of their brain power society erases hunger and homlessness and becomes utopia.Was a really cool concept for a book.
What was your most vivid dream, do you have recurring dreams?
I think I like sleeping way too much they should make a pill that makes 8 hrs of sleep feel like 12 hrs that would be great.
We silly humans think we know so much but we cant really even say why we need sleep, and why if deprived of it we start to come undone. Is it the dreaming that is important? or just the resting giving our body time to repair.
In stone age when there wasnt fire or even light bulbs it made sense to stay indoors at night cause we were easy pickings in the dark so maybe it is important in terms of evolution. Yeah that is it the more you sleep together the more babies and then families leads to coordinated goups which also incrased survival !
I read a sci fi book called the third door which had an interesting theory that we didnt remember dreams because "aliens" (which were really post apoplytic evoled/mutated humans) who traveled thru time to eat our dreams and record them but it prevented us from gaingin any benefit cause we could only vaugely rmember them if at all. To the aliens it was as addictive as crack or TV to them because since they became telpathic they lost most of their culture and creativity.
Well the hero uses a dream device to travel into the future where they live and he is like a ghost in their awakened world and hefinds out the truth that the "aliens" need us to fight WWIII otherswise they wont exist at all.
So he comes back and somehow prevents WWIII which makes the "aliens" cease to exist, and so humans all back thru time get their dreams back since they never were eaten in the first place, People now have restful sleep and remember every dream they ever had and start functioning with "100%" of their brain power society erases hunger and homlessness and becomes utopia.Was a really cool concept for a book.
What was your most vivid dream, do you have recurring dreams?
I am jealous.
Maybe I should just take up girls. There's an adorable girl that I work with....