jumble of random thoughts
I thinkI need to embrace my dark side more, I need to celebrate what is mysterious about myself.To indulge in ones senses or to let loose is a goodthing. I dont have to be so damn rational all the time !
Why is it the dark mysterious side/ or person
seem more sexy than the open,wishy-washy and touchy feely?
(Wishy-washy definitely not sexy. sounds like a wet noodle) Heard story once that a priest complained that all monks want to talk about was sex, and all the whores wanted to talk about was God.
What do ya do to embrace the dark side to own up to your devious self??
What one tries to deny in ones self controls us. Maybe thats why diets dont work. Hmmm transformation thats got to be the key! To transform like a butterfly (but a dark mysterious one)
I thinkI need to embrace my dark side more, I need to celebrate what is mysterious about myself.To indulge in ones senses or to let loose is a goodthing. I dont have to be so damn rational all the time !
Why is it the dark mysterious side/ or person

(Wishy-washy definitely not sexy. sounds like a wet noodle) Heard story once that a priest complained that all monks want to talk about was sex, and all the whores wanted to talk about was God.
What do ya do to embrace the dark side to own up to your devious self??
What one tries to deny in ones self controls us. Maybe thats why diets dont work. Hmmm transformation thats got to be the key! To transform like a butterfly (but a dark mysterious one)

Short answer: Dark people are good in bed.